Top Tips for Clay Shooting

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In order for you to be a great skeet shooter, you need to know that this will call for a great deal of hard work and determination.  By far and large, great clay shooters had their lessons learnt from personal practice and experience.  However, as is known by many of the experts in skeet shooting, the following are some of the most essential tips that will be of essence for a beginner in clay shooting.
Looking at clay shooting and the use of guns in the sport, one thing that will need to ring in mind first is that of the need to put safety first.  Safety will call on you to ensure that you have worn all the essential hearing and eye protection always.  You need to hold your guns as if they were loaded always even though it is advisable for you to have your guns unloaded until you will be ready to take a shoot. Click here to Learn more about  Clay Shooting  at skeet shooter.  It is as well a safety measure to ensure that you have your gun’s muzzle always pointing down and have it only lifted when you are ready for taking a shot.  Your gun as well needs to be unloaded whenever you are crossing over a stream, ditch or fence all in the interest of ensuring safety.
The need to ensure that you have found the right gun fit is the other tip that you will certainly appreciate as a beginner in clay shooting.  This will be necessary so as to be able to shoot where you targeting.  Click here to Get more info about  Clay Shooting. To help see the fit of the gun, you may be advised to test check the gun by setting a target board about 16 yards or so.  You will then test the gun by taking shots at the target without particularly aiming and in the event that you realize you are missing the target all too often, then you may need to consider having the gun fitted right.
For you to have such precision in clay shooting skills, the next thing you will need to look into is to determine which of the two eyes is the most dominant.  Avoid the assumption that has been made by many clay shooters that merely because they are this or that handed, then the eyes are as well so dominant.
When you are then so done determining your eye dominance, the next stage is for you to get down to practicing your mounts and this is at the beginning taken with the gun unloaded.  The best shots will be only taken after a series and a routine of practicing swings/mounts. Learn more from